Resurs Bank

Resurs Bank issues senior unsecured bonds

In line with Resurs’s strategy of long-term diversified financing, Resurs Bank has issued senior unsecured bonds of SEK 500 million and NOK 200 million.

Resurs Bank AB has issued senior unsecured bonds of SEK 500 million and NOK 200 million in the Nordic markets. The bonds were issued under Resurs Bank’s MTN programme, with a total framework of SEK 10 billion, and will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and Oslo Børs respectively.

Both the Swedish and the Norwegian bonds have a two-year-tenor. The Swedish bonds will carry variable interest of 3 months STIBOR +1.80%, and the Norwegian bonds will carry variable interest of 3 months NIBOR +1.80%.

SEB and Swedbank acted as financial consultants in connection with the bond issue.

Sofie Tarring Lindell, CFO and Head of IR, +46-73-644 33
Martin Johansson, Head of Treasury, +46-73-661 21

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25 september 2024